YES! Unlike many forming systems, such as those used to create concrete domes, the MAS™ forms are entirely reusable. There are NO sacrificial components in any of the MAS™ forms. MAS™ anticipates the forms will have a useful life of 1,000 buildings making their amortized cost per structure negligible.
One of the most significant advantages of MAS™ systems is realized in formwork material savings. With the shotcrete process, the material is gunned or sprayed in place, so encapsulated forming becomes entirely unnecessary. The single sided forming system is composed of an inflatable spherical form with collapsible metal cage forms for the corners and entry area. This not only reduces or eliminates the amount of wood or other material used in forming, but also reduces or eliminates the milling and transportation environmental impact involved in providing the lumber on thousands upon thousands of construction sites.
The forming system is lightweight and easy to transport because the formwork design is greatly simplified and the materials required are significantly reduced because there is no need to design for internal pressure from fluid concrete within a form.