
Can a MAS™ home be built faster than 5 to 7 days if we use more than the 4 workers your schedule shows?

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First of all, it is the shell that is built in 5 days not a completed ready to move in home as shown in the schedule you reference.  Generally, contractors like between a few days to a week to finish a simple interior with bathrooms, bedrooms and a kitchen.  Although a MAS™ structure can be built and ready to move into in a week, MAS™ recommends that your schedule allows for a full 2 weeks from start to occupancy.  Note : The forms are generally only needed for 3.5 to 4 days, and the SPifolding is only needed for a week.

Unlike building with traditional construction, adding more personnel to a MAS™ construction project DOES NOT speed up the time it takes for construction.  This is because MAS™ has designed their procedures and forms to be highly efficient and work within the window required for concrete to cure.  Thus while the concrete is curing the personnel are not needed. Having additional personnel would accomplish nothing.  It is beneficial to have additional personnel when using a non-experienced crew or when local conditions are not conducive to construction.

Note: A typical “stick” built single family resident home takes 5 to 6 months on the average to complete in the United States.  This same home can be done in 1.5 to 3 months by putting a much larger crew on the job.  However there is a loss in efficiency when you speed up such a project such that workers get in each others way and have to wait while another contractor finishes so they can start.  The faster the home is built, the efficiency generally goes down.  The MAS™ system was designed from the ground up around an efficient dual two-man crew working 8 hours per day.  Thus if this crew worked 14 days, 8 hours per day (which is well more than it should take), there would be 448 man hours expended for the MAS-1300™ construction.  Standard “stick” built construction takes several thousands of man hours to complete.

Note: A Timber Frame Post and Beam Home is at the high end of conventional construction and construction will take longer than typical “stick” built construction.  A MAS™ home can achieve this same look, both inside and out, using inexpensive concrete facades that will last hundreds of years.