
How does a MAS™ home compare to a modular home?

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Modular homes were a great solution before MAS™  for fast construction,  low cost, low end homes.  The modular industry has done a great job a increasing quality and lowering cost through engineering, quality control and assembly line production.  However, the introduction of the MAS™  solution by Southern Utah University has made the modular home obsolete over night.  Why would someone contract for a more costly, longer build time, less durable, higher maintenance home when you can have a MAS™ home that will outlive you, your kids and your kids kids with virtually NO maintenance, at far less cost, in just a week or two.  The answer:  THEY WOULD’NT.  The MAS™ home is the WORLDS housing solution and will change the way people view home quality, safety and longevity.

See the MAS™ Comparison Chart for more information.